Open Letter to Stanford University’s President and to the Bitcoin Community


« On the first week of November, a major conference on Bitcoin will take place at Stanford University. It is one of a series of conferences entitled “Scaling Bitcoin” organized yearly that have become a reference. This is where the latest developments of the Bitcoin protocol are presented. As its name suggests, the conference focuses on scalability, an important subject of debate to the community. But the topics of the conference go far beyond this: security, anonymity and fungibility issues are also an important part.

The conference “Scaling Bitcoin” is itinerant and changes continents every year. Many of us were delighted that this year Stanford University was chosen after Milan last year. This choice is natural considering all the academic activities (teaching and research) on cryptocurrencies taking place in this campus […]. »

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Written by Cyril Grunspan (ESILV, France)
and Ricardo Perez-Marco (CNRS, U. Paris VII, France)