Breaking Bitcoin – 1er jour


Organisée par la communauté CryptoFR – et particulièrement Pierre Lorcery (aka Tulsene), co-administrateur du groupe, Kevin Loaec (aka Kloaec), fondateur de Chainsmiths, et Elizabeth Stark, CEO de Lightning Labs – la conférence Breaking Bitcoin se déroule ce week end.

Revoir les orateurs du premier jour : 

  1. Kevin Loaec (Chainsmith) : introduction de la conférence
  2. Jimmy Song (Paxos) : Socialized Costs of Hard Forks
  3. Alyse Killeen : Social Attacks on Decentralization
  4. Antoine Le Calvez : Hunting Moby Dick, an Analysis of 2015-2016 Spam Attacks
  5. Kim Nilsson : Cracking MtGox
  6. Patrick McCorry : Gambling on the Success of a Hard Fork
  7. Giacomo Zucco : Traditional Banks as Bitcoin Custodians, Security Challenges and Implications
  8. Renaud Lifchitz : Security of Bitcoin Light Wallets
  9. Thomas Voegtlin : Light Clients During the Interfork Period of 2017
  10. Applications and Usability Panel : Marta Piekarska, Lawrence Nahum, Thomas Voegtlin
  11. Nicolas Bacca : Breaking Hardware Wallets – Tales from the Trenches and Glimpse Into the Future
  12. Daniel Gruss and Michael Schwarz : Cache Attacks on SGX
  13. Hardware Panel : Nicolas Bacca, Marek Palatinus (Slush), Thomas Bertani et Peter Todd.